If you would like to know what is going in the European robotic community the European robotics Forum is one of the best events to take part in.

This time the Event was hold in Malaga, Spain from 3 to 5 March 2020, at the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (FYCMA). In more than 50 workshops the highlights of the newest robotics research were shown and roadmaps for the future have been defined. DIH-HERO held a workshop, where the results of the first year were presented by Dr. Françoise Siepel. The robotic community was informed about the services we are offering and the current open Technology Transfer Experiment call.

Interactive Session during the DIH-HERO Workshop

In an interactive session we asked the community what role they expect robotics to play in healthcare over 20 years and what the major challenges will be in future.

In another workshop about “Supporting SMEs via FSTP under Horizon” hosted by Dr. George Michalos from the Esmera – project, we presented the calls we are offering. Together with representatives of 5 other DIH-projects (Trinity, Esmera, Rima, DIH2, Agrofood) we discussed in an interactive session with the auditorium questions like “In which field would you like to get support from a DIH?” or “Which approach do you consider most valuable: Application driven/technology driven/ other?”.