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Project acronym: DIH-HERO 
Project grant agreement number: 825003 
Full project name: Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics

The DIH-HERO project, co-funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825003, foresees as an eligible activity the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve its own objectives.

The type of activity that qualifies for receiving financial support is a technology demonstrator project, demonstrating the feasibility of new, innovative and enhanced robotic solutions in one of the defined major healthcare application domains.

Deadline31 January 2020 
Expected duration of the call3 months (+ 1 month extension)
Maximum amount of financial support for each third party project€ 100,000
Call identifierDIH-HERO Technology Demonstrator Call 2019
Language in which proposal should be submittedEnglish 
Web link for further information on your official project web sitehttps://www.dih-hero.eu/calls
Email address for further informationdih-healthcare@utwente.nl


The major objective of the DIH-HERO project (Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics) is to establish a broad-based pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs specialized in Healthcare Robotics. The network will focus on providing services which connect business and healthcare stakeholders in developing innovative products and services for the healthcare market. It will establish channels between healthcare and technology providers that reduce barriers to adoption and create strong mutual understanding between robotics technology innovators and healthcare professionals. Each Hub partner is aimed to deliver both technical and medical expertise through their pre-existing operational relationships with hospitals and healthcare facilities. This initiative unites expertise in business development, access to finance and innovation to robotics technology and healthcare expertise in a network of hubs that will connect and stimulate robotics innovation in all aspects of healthcare. DIH-HERO is built on concrete plans to sustain the network beyond the time span of the project and to provide a long-term network for innovators in healthcare. The network of Digital Innovation Hubs created and supported by DIH-HERO will ensure that robotics innovation in healthcare is accelerated, that SME can develop global reach and that the advantages of robotics-based healthcare can be propagated across Europe.

General information proposal and example cases
TD Applicant guide 2019