
Project dates

Full title of the project:
IntUitive Platform for monIToring and delivery of mEdical goods by dRones

Short name of the project:

Date of the award:

Project duration:
12 months

Lead Company:
ABzero (Italy)

Project Partner(s):
Servicio Andaluz de Salud – Centro de Tranfusión Sanguínea, Tejidos y Células de Málaga (Spain)

Universidad de Málaga (Spain)


“The IUPITER TTE proposal aims at transferring the autonomous drone technology to the healthcare system with the overreaching goal of allowing hospitals, laboratory tests, and blood transfusion centres to reach full independence in the transportation and delivery of blood, organs, tissues, test samples, drugs, and tampon swabs.
The proposal addresses the challenges of reducing costs, delivery times and lack of quality control in the transportation of highly valuable, highly perishable, life-saving medical goods.”