We would like to thank you all for the fantastic collaboration within the DIH-HERO network in 2022!
We are continuously striving at shaping the robotics in healthcare ecosystem, removing barriers, strengthening clinical connections and boost fast, high quality, impactful large-scale deployment of robots in the clinical setting.
When resuming the year, a lot of success stories and great activities for the healthcare robotics domain come to our mind.
In 2021 The European Commission has awarded a top-up budget of €3.5M to DIH-HERO as part of the EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We had a great launch of the deployment call in 2022.
Read more about the deployment projects here.
Also 5 Technology Demonstrator projects have been funded. These projects, which are aiming to demonstrate the feasibility of innovative robotics applications for the healthcare market have stated their work in Augustus 2022.
Read more about the DIH-HERO Technology Demonstrator projects 2022 here.
In addition, we expanded our network further, held a number of sparkling workshops, aligned services, facilitated financial support to third parties, provided innovation and deployment support for 65 projects, continuously collected and harmonized standards and performed many other activities.
The Standards Working Group developed a repository of software libraries that can be used for the development of robotic applications. The repository is available at the DIH-HERO website under https://dih-hero.eu/repository-of-libraries/ .
We shared our knowledge at various events like the European Robotics Forum 2022 where we organised several workshops to set the spotlight on the healthcare robotics domain.
Read more about the workshops here.
Finally, we would like to congratulate two companies on their winning awards .
The company Ropca Holding ApS won the KUKA Innovation Award 2022 with their Rheumatoid Arthritis Ultrasound Robot Athur.
Previously, the company performed a DIH-HERO Technology Transfer Experiment project regarding their robotic ultrasound platform.
On 7 December 2022, at the European Innovation Council Summit in Brussels, the European Commission announced the winners of the EU Prize for Women Innovators.
EU Prize for Women Innovators 2022: the winners (europa.eu)
Akara Robotics has been awarded two DIH-HERO grants in the past executing the two projects, DROPAC (Disinfectant RObots to Protect Against COVID ) and BOSCUR