Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development (Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii, FRK) was established in 1991 and its main goal has been to support the development of Polish cardiac surgery as well as to introduce into clinical usage modern technologies of heart treatment, including introduction of first Polish mechanical heart assist prosthesis. For this purpose, FRK, created in 1993 its own Heart Prosthesis Institute, which consistently conducts research and development work related to the Polish artificial heart, biological heart valves, cardiac surgery robots and, recently, development in biotechnologies for heart prosthesis.
FRK is known as a research centre for surgical robotics. Polish family of surgical robots named Robin Heart. Thanks to its modular structure, it can be adjusted for surgery of different types. Telemanipulator Robin Heart Vision, will replace a human assistant who usually holds the endoscope to enable the observation of operative field of laparoscopic instrumentats. Robin Heart Uni System i san innovative mechatronic tools of considerable mobility, multi-functional snd semi-automatic to reduce operative time and significantly enhance the capabilities of the operator and safety of the treatment. Robin Heart Shell ergonomic console can provide haptic feedback, 3d vision and remote contorl for telerobotics surgery.