Danish Technological Institute, Odense
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) is a self-owned and non-profit Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) organised in 7 semi-independent major divisions and more than 40 centres of expertise located throughout Denmark. We have existed since 1906 supporting Danish industry, mainly small enterprises, by providing technical assistance in the form of consultancy, development, teaching, and research. DTI thus occupies a crucial position at the point where research, business, and the community converge and our mission is to promote growth by improving interaction and encourage synergy between these three areas. Our position as a tech transfer institute makes us a natural mediator between companies, end-users, the health care system and researchers.

This is us
The DTI centre for Robot Technology is a leading European robotics innovator with a staff of 45 robotic experts within industry and service. We have 2,800m2 innovation facilities visited anually by 5000+ guests and home also to eight start-up companies part of the Odense Robotics start-up hub. Besides health care our domain expertise spans industry, agriculture, construction, and the service sector. DTI is the central DIH-HERO hub in Scandinavia with 10 partners throughout Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Experts in robotic solutions
DTI is actively involved in many national and European robotic projects in primarily manufacturing, health care, agriculture and Inspection & Maintenance. Our focus is on innovation optimising the value creation for the end-users, system integrators, and technology providers alike. We are experts in all aspects of robotic solutions and offer consultancy, potential identification, R&D and road-mapping services to customers and partners within e.g. platform construction, robot navigation, computer vison, human-robot interaction, advanced sensor systems, artificial intelligence, robotics safety, and risk assesment. The solutions we create often comprise collaborative elements between mobile robots, CoBots, drones, and people and thus require a holistic and system-level solution apporach to problem solving.
„With DIH-HERO we want to help bring advanced robot technology into the health care domain facilitating innovative solutions where value is created in the intersection between humans and robots“
– Birgitte Østergård Sørensen

Birgitte Østergård Sørensen
Senior Project Manager – Production and Innovation
DTI is network facilitator for CareNet which is an active network for the development, application and dissemination of health and welfare technology in Denmark.
As part of the SMOOTH1 project DTI helps develop a robot with safe and seamless human robot interaction for the support of elderly people in care facilities.
1: Partially funded by Innovation Fund Denmark
DTI works with safety in Service Robotics across applications. In the KUGLE2 project the POLARIS ball-robot has a wayfinding use case in hospitals. DTI helps elucidate safety requirements and performs risk assessments.
2: Partially funded by Innovation Fund Denmark
In Healthcare small and safe collaborative mobile robots offer new intra-logistics possibilities. In the SafeCOP3project DTIdemonstrated two independant platforms able collaboratively to collect and move a hospital bed through hospital corridors to its destination
3: Partially funded by ECSEL-JU and Innovation Fund Denmark
Our main services
Robotic solutions
Research, development and innovation programmes
Networking and events
End-user centred design and set up of business cases, development of robotic systems as well as competences and organizational capabilities at end-user sites and deployment of robotic solutions.
Advanced Pilot Production: development and manufacturing of robotic solutions or components with advanced high-tech features and establishment of advanced robot-based manufacturing.
Breakthrough innovations based on strategic and advanced product design, establishment of consortia, iterative cycle-based work plans, budgets, fundraising, proposal writing and contracting.
Workshops, conferences, exhibitions, study tours, and awards centred around robotics in different branches with a focus on personal relations, initiation of collaborations, and sharing know-how.
Did you know?
We involve a huge network of European and Scandinavian partners. This means that if we cannot help you we sure know someone who can!
Birgitte Østergård Sørensen