Basque DIH-HEALTH, Spain
Our DIH is an ecosystem comprising SMEs and start-ups, large industries, industry associations, researchers, accelerators, and the Basque Country. It is open to the involvement and active participation of any other stakeholder from that Spanish autonomous region. DIH-HEALTH is supported by the Basque Government and other regional public institutions. Major aims are to improve the health and quality of life of citizens with a focus on the elderly, to contribute to the long-term sustainability and efficiency of the healthcare system, and to increase the competitiveness of the industry through new products and services.

This is us
The Basque DIH-HEALTH is a non-profit initiative based on the regional health ecosystem identified at the regional level for the definition and deployment of strategies on biosciences and health. The Basque stakeholders in the healthcare sector, which include the Regional Health Authorities, the Public Healthcare services provider (Osakidetza), several Research and Technology Organisations, universities and main companies in the health sector, are participating in the different Working Groups and also collaborating in various EU projects for R&D in healthcare.
Biosciences, Health and Robotics as regional strategies
The added value provided by the Basque DIH-HEALTH towards the digitisation of the health industry is based on the advancement in the areas of Integrated Care, Personalized healthcare, Focus on prevention, Management of chronic diseases, Rehabilitation / Functional Recovery, Age-Friendly environments, Population health management, Value-based care, Health Analytics and Big Data, and Health Robotics.
The Basque DIH-HEALTH is linked with the Spanish initiative “Industria Conectada 4.0”, being deployed
also at the regional level and is well aligned with the strategy Basque Industry 4.0.
“We are committed to the creation of an innovative healthcare industry with global presence, meeting both people’s needs and market requirements, acting as leverage for our industries’ competitiveness and enabling access to a sophisticated and high value sector.“
– Dr. Thierry Kelly

Dr. Thierry Keller
Principal researcher of TECNALIA in DIH-HERO
Applications of robotics in healthcare that are developed and tested in our DIH are for example in the fields of neurorehabilitation, surgical robotics and wearable robotics.
Our technological expertise comprise robotics, neuro-engineering, signal recording and processing, electronics, biomechanics, artificial intelligence, among others.
We support coordination of testing and technology validation involving stakeholders. Furthermore, we offer business development, training and education.
We have state-of-the-art laboratories, homelabs and testing facilities in several sites in the Basque country.
Our main services
Technology Services
Test Infrastructure Services
Training and Education Services
Development and prototyping of robotics systems and components, e.g. for the rehabilitation of motor functions, neuroprotheses, biomechanics and human motor control, wearable robotics, prostheses and orthopaedic devices for rehabilitation and surgical robotics.
Design, organisation, coordination and management of experimentation are offered, including clinical trials in collaboration with public healthcare providers and end users‘ organisations.
Synergies between different stakeholders are built, hence resulting in a global concentration of skills, competences and capacities.
Master students and PhD students benefit from academic education in universities from our network and practical training in technology centres and companies.
Did you know?
In addition to the DIH partners from the Basque Country, we involve a huge network of Spanish, European and non-European company partners and organisations.
Dr. Michael Obach