
RRD’s aim is to (help) develop and evaluate health technology, including robotics, virtual reality, e-health applications. We collaborate with developers and end-users to test technology with a large range of TRL levels, ranging from identifying user requirements and validation of prototypes with healthy persons or patients to effect studies and implementation in daily practice. Lab facilities include testing environments at partner organisations, such as a joint clinical-scientific treatment facility for health technology NovaLab at our neighbour, Roessingh Centre for Rehabilitation and a functional apartment equiped with the newest health technology at TZA academy. Additionally, at RRD premises we have a 3D movement analysis lab, virtual reality and robotics test lab, electrophysiology lab and usability lab. RRD can provide these services following a range of financial models, as paid service, funded by regional or EU programmes or third-party funding, depending on the situation.

This is a service of

Roessingh Research and Development
  • Roessingh Research and Development Roessinghsbleekweg 33b NL-7522 AH Enschede
  • Incorporated Entity