Project Group for Automation in Medicine and Biotechnology PAMB, Mannheim
The Project Group PAMB of Fraunhofer at the Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg, was set up by the state of Baden-Württemberg and Fraunhofer to develop new ideas for automation in medicine and biotechnology. It is the first known research establishment with such a focus. The Project Group is located at the heart of the University Hospital in Mannheim

This is us
Our environment enables the access to and cooperation with all medical and biotechnological facilities in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan area which is ranked among the largest in Germany and Europe. Thanks to the close, multi-disciplinary cooperation within the Project Group as well as with the partners in the metropolitan area, a complete spectrum of services is offered – from idea to clinical evaluation.
PAMB – Our areas of expertise
Specialized in automation, the Project Group focuses on measurement systems, intelligient processes & controls as well as assitive robotic systems. Automation technology in medicine and biotechnology is most importantly the integration of different technologies into one system. We have many years of experience in industrial automation and the development of devices, instruments, and software for industry. Since the founding of PAMB in 2011, we can apply this expertise to medicine and biotechnology and evaluate the results directly with our clinical partners in Mannheim.
Automation is the next industrial revolution in the fields of medicine and biotechnology. One significant aspect is the personalisation of diagnostics and therapy. Laboratory automation enables individualised robust diagnostic processes at a low cost. Automation in medicine introduces novel tools and robotics to enhance the clinician’s abilities.
„The Mannheim Medical Transfer Center (M²TC) strives to ease the development, testing and training processes for new medical products — within DIH-HERO we are looking forward to help interested companies gain market access for their products faster and easier.“
– Dr.-Ing. Markus Kühne

Dr.-Ing. Markus Kühne
Hub Manager, Fraunhofer IPA, PAMB
Our interdisciplinary team of 24 employees and 30 students is developing solutions for medicine and biotechnology.
The Experimental Hybrid OR at our location is suited for seamless technology transfer into the clinical environment.
We develop assistive robots for future medical interventions, like minimal invasive surgery and biopsies.
Our experimental Hybrid OR is fully equipped and can also be used as a transfer center for other companies to test and evaluate medical technology.
Our main services
Mannheim Medical Transfer Center
Usability testing and UX design
Automation and solution development
In our M²TC – Mannheim Medical Transfer Center, we offer different services, like infrastructure for interventional training and demonstrations, development of personalized phantoms, benchmarking of available solutions and pre-clinical validation support.
As a part of the transfer center, we also offer user research, UX design as well as usability testing for medical products and medical software. Our location directly on the hospital campus is a unique selling propostion for such undertakings.
You devise it – and we build it! We develop solutions for different industrial or medical projects. In this way, we realized a special transfer board for brachytherapy as well as „BeadTrap“ – a fast new way to analyze blood.
Did you know?
The DIH at Fraunhofer in Mannheim is located on the campus of the University Hospital Mannheim in Germany, enabling the closest possible collaboration between technicans and clinicans. We are also part of the same Fraunhofer institute as the DIH-Stuttgart.
Markus Kühne